Under these premises, the use of RDCs to yield the relative orientation of components in the complex might Proteases inhibitor not be always successful. Nevertheless, in a recent study of the ADAR2 dsRBM-RNA complex (MW ∼50 kDa), the Allain group has derived the structure of the whole particle by assembling the two sub-complexes under the guidance of only 45 N–HN RDCs. The
success of the approach in this particular case was helped by the additional constraint imposed on the complex structure by the long RNA stem [32]. Even in the case that enough RDCs can be collected for each component, the data from one alignment medium do not uniquely define the mutual orientation of two molecules; rather, four clusters are obtained where the two molecules are related by 180° rotations around the axis
of the alignment tensor [33]. To lift this ambiguity, RDCs should be obtained from at least two alignment media leading to independent alignment tensors. In practice, we find it often difficult to obtain good quality RDCs for large RNP assemblies, not least because the dissolution of supra-molecular particles in orienting media can lead to the disassembly or the rearrangement of unstable parts of the complex. We prefer to use RDCs to confirm or refine the structural models of the single components, before proceeding to the collection Navitoclax in vitro of intermolecular restraints [34]. In the past decade, the NMR community has witnessed a renaissance of paramagnetism, namely of magnetic dipoles generated by unpaired electrons. In general, the presence of a paramagnetic center influences the chemical shift and the relaxation properties
of the neighboring nuclei. Here I would like to concentrate on the effect of paramagnetic Suplatast tosilate relaxation enhancement (PRE) on nuclear spins. Two mechanisms are responsible for increased nuclear relaxation rates in the presence of an unpaired electron: the first mechanism, called Solomon relaxation, is a dipole–dipole interaction between the electron and the nucleus and is prominent for slowly tumbling molecules (long rotational correlation time τ c) and long-lived electron spin states; the Curie relaxation, instead, is important for fast relaxing electrons, and generates from the interaction of the nuclear dipole with the averaged static magnetic moment of the electron [35]. Both relaxation mechanisms depend on the distance between the electron spin and the nucleus according to r−6. Quantification of the paramagnetic relaxation enhancement effect (PRE=R2para) at the site of the nucleus yields a measure of the distance between the electron and the nucleus and can be translated into structural information. For methyl groups detected in a 13C–1H HMQC spectrum, the PRE effects are quantified from the cross peak intensity ratio (Ipara /Idia ) of samples with the spin label in the paramagnetic (oxidized, Ipara ) and diamagnetic (reduced, Idia ) state.