Under the illumination of 1 25 mW/cm2 of UV light (λ = 365 nm), t

Under the illumination of 1.25 mW/cm2 of UV light (λ = 365 nm), this solid-liquid heterojunction-based TSA HDAC UV detector shows an excellent photovoltaic performance, yielding a short-circuit current (I sc) of 0.8 μA and an open-circuit voltage (V oc) of 0.5 V. This inherent built-in potential arises from the SB-like ZnO-water interface,

acts as a driving force to separate the photogenerated electron-hole pairs, and produces the photocurrent. Therefore, this device can operate at photovoltaic mode without any external bias. Figure  4b shows the spectral photoresponsivity of the ZnO nanoneedle array/water heterojunction-based UV detector at 0-V bias. The incident light wavelength ranges from 350 to 550 nm. A strong peak appears at 385 nm, corresponding to the bandgap of wurtzite ZnO. The maximum responsivity located at around 385 nm is about 0.022 A/W cm2, which is suitable for UV-A range (320 to 400 nm) application. Note that the

full width at half maximum of the photoresponse is about 18.5 nm (0.15 eV) as shown in Figure  4b, which demonstrates excellent spectral wavelength selectivity in the UV-A range. The photoresponsivity decreases rapidly to nearly zero as the wavelength is longer than 450 nm because of the low absorption for photons with energies smaller than the bandgap. The responsivity also drops fast on the short-wavelength side because PXD101 cost of the strong electron-hole recombination effect. As illustrated in

Figure  2c, the ZnO nanoneedle array has a dense, compact layer at the base (closest to FTO). The absorption coefficient of ZnO at a wavelength shorter than 375 nm is very high. When illuminated through the FTO glass, the majority of photons will be absorbed by this ZnO layer close to the FTO. Tenofovir solubility dmso This absorption occurs well away from the junction. Due to the high electron-hole recombination rate in this layer, only carriers excited near the junction region contribute to the photocurrent in the photodetector. Therefore, UV light below 375 nm only creates a poor photocurrent response. The photocurrent under different incident light intensities was also measured. The measurement of this self-powered UV detector was carried out at 0-V bias and under 365-nm UV light irradiation. As shown in Figure  4c, under weak UV light intensity, the photocurrents are almost linearly increased with an increasing incident UV light intensity. A gradual saturation of the photocurrent was observed under higher UV irradiances. One possible reason for this saturation is the poor hole APO866 molecular weight transport ability of water. Figure 4 Photoresponsivity of the ZnO nanoneedle array/water UV detector. (a) Typical I-V characteristics of the ZnO nanoneedle array/water UV photodetector in darkness and under the illumination of 1.25 mW/cm2 of UV light (λ = 365 nm). (b) Spectral responsivity characteristic of the UV detector under 0-V bias.

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