Surface smooth, rugose when old. Ostiolar dots Nutlin-3a chemical structure minute, olive or brown. Stroma colour first white, turning yellow, 4A3–4, brown-orange, 5CD5, greyish- to golden-yellow,
3B5–6, 4BC5–7, eventually (reddish) brown, 7E7–8, 6D7–8; mostly distinctly yellow when wet. Stromata when dry (0.6–)1.3–3.8(–8.0) × (0.4–)1.1–2.7(–4.7) mm, (0.3–)0.4–0.8(–1.1) mm thick (n = 75); solitary, gregarious or aggregated in small numbers (to 3) and pulvinate, or formed in large, subeffuse, flat and effluent, longish masses, becoming separated into individual stromata by cracks. Fertile part often flat, elevated on a short, stout, white stipe-like base, with margins laterally projecting beyond the base. Outline circular, angular, oblong or irregular. Margin margin sharply delimited, rounded, free, often white when young. Sides vertical
or slightly retracted downwards, find more white or yellowish, initially with radiating base mycelium. Surface initially typically with a white, later disintegrating, covering layer, smooth, finely granular to rugose, often slightly downy. Ostiolar dots minute, (20–)32–58(–80) μm (n = 75) diam, numerous, first often concealed by the covering white layer, becoming distinct, plane, less PF-02341066 in vivo commonly convex, with circular or oblong outline, brown. Stromata first of small white mycelial tufts, becoming compacted, turning argillaceous, pale to greyish yellow-orange, 4A3–4, 5A2–4, 4–6B4–5, 6A4, 6C4, mostly yellow with brown dots, i.e. yellow-brown, 5CD4–7, eventually pale brown to reddish brown, 6E6–8, 7CD5–6, 8E5–8, when old. Spore deposits white or yellow. Rehydrated mature stromata pulvinate, with plane, finely floccose, yellow surface and numerous distinct, plane, (orange-)brown ostiolar dots. Ostiolar openings hyaline in water. After addition of 3% KOH stroma
surface turning bright red to dark red; ostiolar openings hyaline; drying reddish brown. Immature stroma after rehydration semiglobose, smooth, white, with numerous irregular, plane or convex, almost light ochre dots; after addition of 3% KOH ostiolar dots first slightly orange, later surface turning homogeneously pale orange; eventually stroma macroscopically dark brown to nearly black. Stroma anatomy: Ostioles (58–)66–85(–92) μm long, plane or projecting to 20(–30) μm, (20–)25–40(–57) μm wide at the apex (n = 30), periphysate, sometimes with clavate marginal cells to 6 μm wide at the apex. Perithecia (148–)180–220(–230) × (90–)110–170(–205) μm (n = 30), 7–8 per mm stroma length, flask-shaped or globose, often crowded and laterally compressed; peridium (11–)14–17(–18) μm (n = 30) thick at the base, (3–)8–15(–18) μm (n = 30) thick at the sides, golden yellow; bright orange-red in 3% KOH.