Screening the diabetes population for DKD and intervening with AC

Screening the diabetes population for DKD and intervening with ACE inhibitors and ARB as indicated, Pictilisib order together with appropriate glycaemic control and management of lifestyle-related risk factors, is a priority in responding to the health burden of diabetes

in Australia. The first priority in screening for DKD should be the detection of microalbuminuria Since the vast majority of DKD is associated with the presence of albuminuria, testing for microalbuminuria is key to screening strategies for the detection of DKD. Numerous studies have evaluated the cost-effectiveness of screening for albuminuria in the diabetes population, concluding that screening in diabetics based on dipstick urinalysis and/or measurement of urinary albumin to creatinine

ratio, followed by intervention with an ACE inhibitor or ARB, is cost-effective across all age groups.[33-35] Screening the diabetes population for DKD on the basis of eGFR has also been shown to be cost-effective,[36] although is most favourable above 50–60 years of age;[37] thus, these two markers potentially have complementary roles in screening different age groups.[38] The underlying burden of DKD will increase as long as diabetes prevalence is increasing, and this challenge must be met with lifestyle change The underlying burden of DKD in Australia is rising and will continue to do so as an inevitable AZD0530 result of increasing diabetes prevalence, driven by rates of obesity second and population aging. Therefore, averting the burden of DKD in Australia requires engagement with lifestyle change and healthy aging. A 2012 review from the American Heart Association of interventions to promote healthy lifestyles concluded

that, whereas interventions oriented around the individual were unlikely to have significant impact, population-based multicomponent interventions involving government mandated economic incentives and changes to the physical environment were able to effect change in lifestyle behaviours and health outcomes.[39] Nephrologists should consider themselves stakeholders in these types of population interventions for the primary prevention of diabetes and DKD. Health services planning requires accurate projections of the future burden of DKD and ESKD There is an urgent need to gather Australian data on longitudinal trends in the incidence and prevalence of diabetes and DKD, and more accurate information regarding attributable costs. Predicting future rates of DM-ESKD for the purposes of health services planning is complex and requires data on the current and future population at risk, longitudinal data on disease incidence trends and rates of progression, mortality data indicating trends in competing risks, and information on changing demographics of the diabetes population.

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