But, what is the true situation now? Has the problem abated due t

But, what is the true situation now? Has the problem abated due to natural forces

of nature, or are badly oiled sediments continuing to cause a significant source throughout this area? This Baseline Special Article provides many of those answers, along with others of related importance. Population centres in the ROPME Sea Area are heavily dependent on a supply of freshwater via desalination from their local Selleckchem BYL719 seas, so this is also an obvious area of concern. In addition, seafood is an important commodity – both locally and for export – so assessment of these factors is also a necessity. Luckily, several surveys have been conducted in the area over the years, using high quality monitoring techniques which incorporate the highest standards of sampling, analysis, quality assurance and quality control. The

current paper is the latest of these, and examines more than 14 years of accumulated data, elegantly assessing the spatial and temporal changes that have occurred in a variety of environmental media, including sediment analyses along with contaminant concentrations found in commercially-important fish species, and bivalve shellfish such as oysters and clams. The good news is that considerable Navitoclax in vitro improvement has been observed in the area, with concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons returning to “baseline” levels some 14 years after the world’s (then) largest spillage. Nonetheless, localized areas of chronic contamination are still to be found, and these will doubtlessly require further intensive monitoring into the future. A similar picture is revealed for agricultural and

industrial contaminants. Overall, good news indeed, but no cause for complacency. Reporting concentrations which return the environmental situation to “normal” should never hinder or cease our monitoring endeavours. In a world this website where our economies have become as fragile as many of our environments, it is politically expedient to cut pollution monitoring out of the ongoing costs and, turning a blind eye, ignore any problems for the sake of economic conservancy. I believe, as marine pollution scientists, we need to be steadfast in ensuring that wholesale cuts of this nature do not happen under our watch. I commend this Baseline Special Article to our readers – and I do (yet again) encourage our authors to report ongoing monitoring results through the auspices of the Baseline section of our journal. That’s what this section of the journal is designed for. Use it. “
“This Special Issue of the Marine Pollution Bulletin aims to present an overview of current science addressing the inter-connectivity between the water quality and ecological condition of the coastal and inshore areas of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) and the land-use and processes on the adjacent catchment. This is the third Special Issue in the Marine Pollution Bulletin on this topic (Hutchings and Haynes, 2000, 2005; Hutchings et al., 2005).

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