[16, 25], observed a significant decrease
in attachment efficiency in non-flagellated P. aeruginosa mutants compared to the wild type. Twitching motility is a form of surface translocation that is mediated by type IV pili, which are involved in biofilm TNF-alpha inhibitor architecture and are responsible for the formation of VX-680 solubility dmso microcolonies in biofilms [15, 21, 26]. It has been hypothesised that biofilm formation initially requires flagella-dependent association and binding to a surface to allow formation of a single cell monolayer. Individual cells of this monolayer then conglomerate into a number of microcolonies through twitching motility via type IV pili. Once attached and manifesting twitching motility, P. aeruginosa can then form fully mature biofilm structures [8, 21]. Notably, cell motility varies during the different developmental stages and ceases after irreversible attachment, implying the loss of flagella in biofilm bacteria [16], a theory supported by microarray analyses that showed that flagella and type IV pili genes were downregulated in biofilm cells compared to planktonic cells [27]. In contrast, Klausen et al. [28] reported
that flagella and type IV pili were not necessary for initial attachment or biofilm formation, but they did have roles in shaping P. aeruginosa biofilms: whilst both wild type PAO1 and flagella-/pili – mutants formed undifferentiated biofilms consisting of buy PRI-724 small microcolonies in the initial stages, the mature biofilms were structurally very different. It is clear, therefore, that there is a large amount of information about the role of motility in biofilm development,
but its contribution to the infection process is not fully clarified. However the adaptations that bacteria undergo in the CF environment are likely to induce alterations in the biofilm phenotype. In the present work, RAPD profiling was coupled with biofilm formation and motility studies in vitro to gain insight into how motility might be correlated with single or multistrain biofilm formation in CF isolates. Methods Chemicals All chemicals, of analar grade or better were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich Chemical Co., Poole, UK, unless otherwise stated. All agars and broths PJ34 HCl were obtained from Oxoid, UK, except where stated. Bacterial isolates Ninety-six Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates were cultured from sputum samples taken from 13 children known to be infected only with P. aeruginosa, who were attending the CF clinic in Belfast City Hospital, N. Ireland at the same time (Andrienne Shaw, pers. Comm. 2003). Isolates were chosen based on their colony morphology on Pseudomonas isolation agar. All isolates were initially confirmed as P. aeruginosa using both the API20 NE identification system (BioMerieux, France) and by subsequent amplification of the P. aeruginosa-specific OprL gene [17].