(48)) to the original Carver Richards equation [6] The explicit

(48)) to the original Carver Richards equation [6]. The explicit relations between our parameters and those in the original work are presented formally in Supplementary Section 4. In terms of present definitions, the Carver Richards equation is: equation(49) R2,effCR=R2G+R2E+kEX2-NcycTrelcosh-1(v1c)where the following identity is used to simplify the trigonometric terms [2], [42] and [43]: cosh-1(F0cosh(E0)-F2cos(|E2|))=log((F0cosh2(E0)-F2cos2(|E2|))1/2+(F0sinh2(E0)-F2sin2(|E2|))1/2)cosh-1(F0cosh(E0)-F2cos(|E2|))=log((F0cosh2(E0)-F2cos2(|E2|))1/2+(F0sinh2(E0)-F2sin2(|E2|))1/2)The

PF-02341066 price only difference between the precise form described in reference [6] and Eq. (49) is that their free precession delay τcp is effectively four times longer. Nevertheless, there are clear similarities between Eqs. (48) and (49), and so the new expression can be expressed as a linear correction to the Carver Richards result, requiring the definitions in Eq. (45): equation(50) R2,eff=R2,effCR-1Trelln1+y2+1-y2v1c2-1(v2+2pDkGE) The correction GDC-0068 factor is exactly equal to the deviations between the numerical result and the

Carver Richards equation described in Fig. 1, to double floating point precision. It is interesting to consider the region of validity of the Carver Richards result. The two results are equal when the correction is zero, which is true when: equation(51) v1c2-1≈v2+2pDkGE This occurs when kGEpD tends to zero, and so v2 = v3. The term pD is based on the product of the off diagonal elements in the CPMG propagator ( Supplementary Section 3). Setting KGEPD to zero amounts to neglecting magnetisation that starts on the ground state

ensemble and end on the excited state ensemble and vice versa. This will be a good approximation when PG ≫ PE. In practice, significant deviations from the Carver Richards equation can be incurred if PE > 1% ( Fig. 1). Incorporation of the correction term into Eq. (50), summarised in Appendix A, results in an improved description of the CPMG experiment over the Carver Ketotifen Richards equation. It is interesting to calculate the effective relaxation rate at high pulsing frequencies. As proven in Supplementary Section 6, in this limit: equation(52) R2,eff∞=R2G+R2E+kEX(1-T)2-1Trelln12T(1+e-TrelkEXT)T+tanhTrelkEXT21+ΔR2kEXwhere equation(53) T=2(PG-PE)ΔR/kEX+(ΔR/kEX)2+1 The logarithmic term in Eq. (52) accounts for the duration of the CPMG element. Intuitively, if the duration is less than the timescale of exchange, then additional contributions to the effective relaxation rate will necessarily appear, accounted for by this term. Correspondingly, in the limit TrelkEXT   ≫ 1 the logarithmic term is negligible. Going further, in the limit 1≫4PEΔR2kEX(kEX+ΔR2)-21≫4PEΔR2kEX(kEX+ΔR2)-2 (see Supplementary Section 6), true if PE is small, or if either kEX ≫ ΔR2 or ΔR2 ≫ kEX, Eq.

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