Therefore, the loxP insertions
at 143 nt and 191 nt decreased the viral packaging efficiency. Adenovirus vectors can efficiently transduce a transgene not only in vitro, but also in vivo (1–4). First-generation AdV can be amplified only in 293 cells, a cell line containing Ad5 E1 DNA in its genome, because the E1 region, an essential region for the virus, is substituted for a transgene. However, first-generation AdV is problematic in that it induces immune responses against small amounts of expressed virus protein(s) of unknown origin (5–8). To solve this problem, the use of a helper-dependent (HD)-AdV has attracted attention (7, 9, 10). With HD-AdV, no virus proteins are expressed because all the viral coding regions LBH589 datasheet are substituted for foreign sequences; only the ITR, comprised of 102 nt at both ends of the virus genome, and the packaging domain, located RXDX-106 nmr within the left 0.4 kilobases in the Ad5 genome, are retained. To amplify the HD-AdV, a helper virus that retains most of the virus genome and supplies the viral gene products is used. To avoid contamination with the helper virus during HD-AdV preparation, the packaging domain of the helper virus is flanked by a pair of target sequences for a site-specific recombinase: loxP of Cre, derived from bacteriophage P1 (11,12),
or FRT of FLP, derived from the 2- μm plasmid of Saccaromyces cerevisiae (13–15). Because the site-specific recombinase mediates the excisional deletion of the DNA sequence flanked by the pair of
target sequences, the packaging of the helper virus is hampered in recombinase-expressing 293 cells by the specific excision of the packaging domain from the helper virus genome, enabling the packaging of the HD-AdV genome into a virus capsid to be prioritized. However, Dichloromethane dehalogenase the removal of the packaging domain is not perfect, and some helper viruses still containing the packaging domain always remain (7, 9, 16, 17). This observation prompted us to examine the influence of the loxP insertion on the packaging efficiency in E1-deleted AdV, including the helper virus of HD-AdV. The packaging domain of Ad5 has well been characterized (18–22). The cis-acting packaging domain is reportedly located between 194 nt and 380 nt from the left end of its genome and overlaps with the E1A enhancer region (18, 23). The domain contains seven repeated sequences (termed A-repeats), of which AI, AII, AV and AIV are the most important for packaging activity and contain a consensus motif, 5′-TTTGN8CG-3′ (19). Because the insertion sites of both the loxP are close to the packaging domains, these insertions may affect the virus titer of the helper virus. Previously, the sites of loxP-insertion downstream of the packaging domain were reported to influence the packaging of the helper virus (24) and the efficiency of the production of HD-AdV (25).