We performed subgroup analysis using this variable and found that

We performed subgroup analysis using this variable and found that the Bleomycin cell line revised RR of MI for lopinavir with ritonavir was 1.19 (95% CI 1.03, 1.39; P = 0.022) with decreased heterogeneity I 2 = 55.9% (P = 0.132) compared with

the previous analysis (I 2 = 67.2%; P = 0.002) for estimates associated with PI-based ART per year. We found no significant evidence of publication bias in our estimates. For example, in studies comparing the RR of CVD between PLHIV without ART and HIV-uninfected people, there was no evidence of publication bias by funnel plot symmetry and Egger’s method (P = 0.796). We found no significant evidence of publication bias in other estimates in our analysis. However, this does not preclude the possible existence of publication bias. In this study, we set out to collate data from available literature on the RR of CVD for PLHIV and conduct meta-analyses to calculate pooled estimates across available evidence. Our analysis suggests that PLHIV have an increased risk of CVD. Specifically, the RR of CVD for

PLHIV was found to be 61% higher than that of HIV-uninfected people. The risk of CVD for PLHIV receiving ART was found to be 2.00 times greater than the risk for PLHIV who were treatment-naïve. There exists controversy regarding the class of ART in terms of the degree of risk of CVD. In an observational study of hospitalization rates in Northern California, Klein et al. found that PIs did not tend to increase the rates of hospitalizations AZD6244 research buy for CHD among PLHIV

[38]. However, other studies have reported considerably increased risk of CVD associated with PI-based ART. NRTI-based ART use is also associated with an increased risk of CVD, but not to the same extent as PI-based ART. A recently published study (published after our literature search) by Choi et al. [39] found that tenofovir use is associated with heart failure (HR 1.82; CI 1.02–3.24) and abacavir is associated with CVD (HR 1.48; CI 1.08–2.04). In Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase a randomized trial, Martin et al. reported that abacavir was found to be a greater risk factor for CVD than tenofovir [40]. It is possible that both of these drugs contribute significantly to the risk of CVD in those who are taking ART. These estimates are not inconsistent with the pooled estimates we calculated based on other available studies. We also found that the duration of exposure to ART is an important contributor to the risk of acquiring CVD. Most of the studies included in our analysis had CHD as the primary endpoints. CHD refers to atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries. It is important to note this distinction from other manifestations of CVD, especially as there is less evidence on the impact of ART associated with other CVD events than for CHD. We identified in our search strategy additional literature that was relevant to our study question but did not have similar comparator groups for the meta-analysis. In a randomized trial, Phillips et al.

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