The kinase assays were carried out with the increasing amount of GST-LdCyc1-CRK3 complex in 20 mM HEPES-KOH, pH 7.5, containing 10 mM MgCl2, 1 mM EDTA, 1 mM EGTA, 5 mM NaF, 2 mM DTT, 50 μM [γ32P]ATP (2.7 μCi/nmole) and 1.0 μg of LdHAT1 in a total volume of 15 μL at 30 °C for 30 min. For the assays with the mutated proteins, LdHAT1ΔCy and LdHAT1-T394A were incubated with 0.2 μg of kinase GST-LdCyc1-CRK3 in the reaction buffer. The reaction products were analysed by SDS-PAGE followed by phosphorimager scanning in Typhoon scanner (GE Healthcare Lifesciences).
Three peptides derived from N-terminus of L. donovani histone H4–containing specific acetylated lysine (LdH4K4Ac: AKGKAcRSADAC; LdH4K10Ac: SADAKAcGSQKC; LdH4K14Ac: KGSQKAcRQKKC) were synthesized and conjugated to carrier protein buy Obeticholic Acid keyhole limpet haemocyanin. For each peptide, two rabbits were immunized, and the progress of immunization was monitored by ELISA assay. Specific antibodies were purified from the anti-sera having higher titre values through affinity column chromatography in a two-step process – first over a column containing a control non-acetylated peptide (AKGKRSADAKGSQKRQKKC) followed by a column containing the respective acetylated peptide. The specificities
of the purified antibodies were checked by ELISA assay. The entire process was carried out by IMGENEX India, Bhubaneswar, India, on contract basis. EPZ015666 research buy The specificities of the antibodies were further verified by dot blot analysis in our laboratory. HAT assay was performed with 1.6 μM of 6His-tagged LdHAT1 as enzyme in 50 mM HEPES-KOH, pH 8.0, containing 0.1 mM EDTA, 5% glycerol, 1 mM DTT, 10 mM Na-butyrate, 0.1 mM Li3Acetyl-CoA and 50 μM of a peptide derived from L. donovani histone H4 N-terminus (AKGKRSADAKGSQKRQKKC)
as substrate in a total volume of 20 μL. The reaction was carried out at 30 °C for 1 h, stopped by adding 5 μL of SDS-PAGE sample buffer, and the products were subjected to a modified Tris-Tricine SDS-PAGE for better resolution of smaller peptides (Schagger & von Jagow, 1987). Briefly, 18% polyacrylamide (18%T, 5%C) in 0.75 M Tris-HCl, pH 8.45, containing 30% ethylene glycol and Afatinib ic50 0.1% SDS was used as resolving gel with 0.1 M Tris containing 0.1 M Tricine and 0.1% SDS as electrophoresis buffer. Finally, the acetylated peptide was detected by immunoblotting with the antibodies raised against the peptides containing specific acetylated lysine residues as described above. The antibodies obtained after purification over non-acetylated peptides or Coomassie blue staining of the gel were used for checking the presence of equal amount of substrate peptide in different reactions. One of the identified substrates of the S-phase cell cycle kinase LdCyc1-CRK3 from L. donovani was shown to contain a MYST (human Moz, Yeast Ybf2 and Sas2, and human TIP60) domain of HATs (Maity et al.